Multilogic for heating and cooling
The Multilogic functionality makes it possible to combine multiple chiller/heat pumps
that works interdepended with each other based on your specific needs
Main functionality
The Multilogic functionality enables the control of up to 32 chiller / heat pump units in a parallel hydronic circuit, working together in three different modes to match your needs.
- Balanced - all units work in parallel, same priority
- Saturated - Prioritised unit works to 100% before 2nd prio unit starts
- Optimized - Mix of balanced and saturated, focusing on optimizing total energy efficiency by considering both units and pumps energy consumption
- Booster/Back Up - One unit only for back-up and cooling demand peaks (simpler unit to reduce additional cost)
Added Value
- Always delivering the right capacity at the right moment
- Optimized energy efficiency
- Management of plant redundancy and prioritization
- Smart defrost sequencing in case of heat pumps
- Management of different unit combinations (multifunction + CH or HP)
- Easy connection via LAN
- No need of additional external controls
- No need of IP protected box
- Pre-set from factory

How it works
- Master unit calculate the thermodynamic request by looking at the inlet/outlet common temperature probes.
- Common outlet temperature is compared to setpoint, and calculated capacity request is then asked to the resources in the plant, determining the switch-on and switch-off of the available compressors, or compressors modulation in case of inverter units.
- Circuit/compressors activation on the different units is dependent also on the selected working mode (Balanced, Saturated, Optimized).
- Multilogic takes control also of the unit's pumps.
- One or more units can be configured as backup, or booster/backup.
- To each unit it is possible to assign an activation priority.
Technical details
- The Master unit is the “brain” of the system, managing the thermoregulation and collecting slave unit's alarms
- Modbus TCP/IP through Ethernet cable is the protocol used to communicate between Master and Slave units. The master unit host a switch where all slaves connect to
- If a slave unit goes “Offline”, the master unit redistribute the capacity request among the available resources
- If the master unit goes offline, Slave units switch to stand-alone mode, regulating on the in-board temperature probes and keeping the system operational
Here is a selection of the products included