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Supply air diffuser for wall mounting in homes
  • Design diffuser with interchangeable fronts for colour matching in the home
  • Two mounting methods, directly against the wall, or “floating”
  • Easy commissioning and air flow measurement

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Våre produkter og tjenester presentert i et lett tilgjengelig format
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Koblingsskjemaer og hydrauliske skjemaer mv
Dokument Artikkel Dokumenttype Dato Last ned
Overview - Ventiler (pdf 3.33MB) Ventiler Brosjyre 12.07.2022
Injusteringsguide - Luftdon, VAV/CAV - & injusteringsspjäll (pdf 8.18MB) Luftdon, VAV/CAV - & injusteringsspjäll FDV-manual 18.10.2023
Hurtigguide - Ventiler (pdf 326.6kB) (Alle) Brosjyre 21.08.2020
Produktinformasjon (pdf 243.35kB) Ventil og spjeld Brosjyre 20.10.2021