Sound attenuators with acoustic centre baffle for circular ducts
  • Very good sound attenuation
  • 100 mm mineral wool
  • Low pressure drop
  • Ø 315–400 with air tightness class D
  • Ø 500–800 with air tightness class C
  • Built for low CO2 footprint (Ø 315–400)
  • Fire resistance equivalent to class EI30 to EI120*
    *See table for requisite safety distance
  • Circular

SORDO-B is available in a RE:3 version. A RE:3 product is an alternative to our conventional products, systems and services, an alternative which is reduced, reused or revitalised. We ensure a notably lower level of embodied carbon, built-in CO2, and let these solutions wear our RE:3 symbol. Read more about RE:3 here.

Whilst we have made every effort to ensure information on this website is up to date and accurate, the technical specification and availability of products/services listed on this website may vary market to market and are subject to change without notice. Please contact your regional representative or visit your local website for further details.