When standard transfer air diffusers are not suitable due to various circumstances, e.g. sound requirements, air flows or where a flexible installation is needed, several of Swegon's products can be combined to solve this.
There are several solutions depending on whether installation is to be done through wall, ceiling to ceiling or ceiling to wall.
Quick selection
Transfer air solutions according to the quick selection table comprise the following products.
Installation examples

Transfer diffusers comprising GRC + CLA
Ceiling to wall

Transfer diffusers comprising GRC + CLA
Ceiling to ceiling

Transfer diffusers comprising GRC + ALS + CLA
Ceiling to ceiling

Transfer diffusers comprising GRC + CLA + SOTTO

Do you want to know more?
Download the brochure to find out more about our transfer air solutions, and how to choose the right one.
Download the brochureWhilst we have made every effort to ensure information on this website is up to date and accurate, the technical specification and availability of products/services listed on this website may vary market to market and are subject to change without notice. Please contact your regional representative or visit your local website for further details.