Digital services from Swegon

Our digital services are gathered under the name of Swegon INSIDE. These services allow different target groups to monitor, control and visualise compatible units in an HVAC solution, as well as the indoor climate inside a building. The INSIDE services allow for adjustments to be made to ensure a healthy and comfortable indoor environment that causes minimal strain on the environment and that improve building economics.

It happens inside the building

Normally a wide range of aspects are considered for better workplace efficiency or increased learning in schools, but rarely the indoor climate is considered one of those important factors. Temperatures that run too high or too low have a noticeable impact on productivity. In addition, the link between air quality and the capacity to think strategically, or learn new things, is well established through various reseach projects. 

All indoor climate data available inside a building may be monitored and controlled by the means of Swegon INSIDE which, in turn, allows for a comfortable and productive indoor climate at all times.


Learn more about indoor climate and productivity

Reduced customer complaints

Swegon INSIDE can visualise the indoor climate through a couple of its services, INSIDE Visualisation and INSIDE App. These services present a number of parameters, which together make up the indoor climate, by the means of numbers, icons and colours. Easy to grasp and understand. The parameters shown are, among others, temperature and air quality.

When the indoor climate is clearly shown to the people inside the building, a new level of understanding of the percieved indoor environmental quality is reached. In fact, up to 95% of the previous complaints regarding temperture etc. may be avoided by visualising the otherwise invisible indoor climate.

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Our offered services

Swegon INSIDE is the common name for our digital services. These allow different target groups to manage, control and visualise compatible products in an HVAC-solution, as well as to view indoor climate data from inside the building. The different services have slightly different traits, however, some services share a number of commonalities and may therefore be presented together.

INSIDE Director

INSIDE Director is an open cloud-based platform which provides control over an entire property portfolio through integration and data collection from all technical systems and sensors - regardless of technology and make. All properties and systems can be reached from one point.

Built on the latest technology, INSIDE Director provides high security, reliability and scalability. The Swegon philosophy is that the system should be easy to use and understand, while still be a powerful tool that can contribute to efficient and modern property management. In sum, an energy management system (EMS) and a building management system (BMS), all in one.

INSIDE Optimiser

INSIDE Optimiser is an all-encompassing service, combining our digital services with active support from a highly skilled and knowledgeable technician. This is an attractive option whether access to in-depth technical support is needed, or if there are resource constraints in an existing maintenance organization.

INSIDE Optimiser includes two annual on site reviews of the indoor climate in the building, normally scheduled during the seasonal transitions. The technician will also continuously monitor alarms and notifications, recommend maintenance and take control if the indoor climate fails to deliver on the parameters of comfort. By using INSIDE Analytics, the technician will utilize AI-rendered forecasts to proactively care for the building.


The INSIDE App from Swegon is an additional service to our Swegon WISE system for a demand-controlled indoor climate. The app gives a view of the current indoor climate by visualising a set of parameters, e.g. temperature and air quality. People inside the building with access to the app have the possibility of making temperature adjustments, normally within a predecided span of a few degrees.



Learn more about Swegon WISE

INSIDE Manager

Swegon units compatible with Swegon INSIDE may be monitored and controlled by utilising INSIDE Manager. A user can, by the means of an active account, access a complete inventory of connected Swegon units and exploit various options to receive notifications and alerts. In addition, reports of e.g. operational performance and energy consumption can be tailored to the needs of different users and stakeholders.

INSIDE Manager is designed for building technicians, property managers and plant supervisors for instance, and to work as a reliable support tool to make building care easy.


This free of charge service lists and allows for monitoring of some connected units. Status updates of air flow, pressure drop, temperatures, software version and activated alarms are available and there is the opportunity to create and export energy reports. INSIDE Portal is also used to create user admins and user hierarchies.

Product/service compatibility

  INSIDE Portal INSIDE App INSIDE Analytics/Visualiser INSIDE Director INSIDE Optimiser
GOLD E/F    
Chillers & Heatpumps    
Non Swegon products    

Whilst we have made every effort to ensure information on this website is up to date and accurate, the technical specification and availability of products/services listed on this website may vary market to market and are subject to change without notice. Please contact your regional representative or visit your local website for further details.