The DETECT Occupancy is a presence detector of IR type, i.e. a heatsensing detector that quickly reacts to human presence in the room. The IR lens has a detection area depending on type, see figures. The detector has connections for normally open (NO) and normally closed contacts (NC) and an adjustable switch on delay (0-10 min.) and switch off delay (0-30 min.). In Swegon’s demand controlled ventilation systems,
the controller manages the switch off delay, except for when used in combination with ADAPT Damper where the on/off switching delay is set in the DETECT Occupancy.
On delivery, the switch on delay is set to 10 seconds. The DETECT Occupancy includes a built-in temperature control function that readjusts the presence detector to detect presence if the temperature becomes too high. This function must not be activated in Swegon’s demand controlled ventilation system.