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Technical services

In order to reduce the risk of expensive and time consuming mistakes, you can utilise Swegon’s specialist know-how during all phases of the project. Our experts ensure that you are thinking correctly from the outset. And that it is then right during installation, commissioning and operation throughout the entire life of the climate installation.

We have a network of qualified engineers and technicians near you. We carry out ventilation system commissioning, repairs and maintenance. We have a large stocks of spare parts so that we can quickly provide parts and accessories for all our products. This also applies to older product versions.

Contact us

Before the building project starts

In order for the project to be successful you must be well-prepared and have the right knowledge.

Swegon helps you make the right choices from the outset You can use us both as support during the actual preparations and to verify that you have done the right thing before starting. Perhaps you need special training to ensure that you can do your work in the best possible way?

Of course, there is much more our experts can help you with if you need it. You only have to contact us and you will get help with just your needs.

When the project starts

It is crucial that everything is delivered right and comes on site – on time. And then everything needs to be put into service to give the right function. Swegon is with you during the whole process and our services ensure that the installation is correct and works optimally.

Examples of our services:

Routing electricity

Of course, there is much more our experts can help you with if you need it. You just have to contact us and you will get help with just your needs.



When the building is operational

The installation should now give an optimal indoor climate for many decades. Naturally things can happen over time that need to be rectified, and of course Swegon will be there during the whole of the installations service life – even after the warranty period. In simple term, our services ensure you receive optimal function and operating economy for the installation. Year in and year out.

Examples of our services:

Energy Upgrades
Remote supervision
Maintenance & Testing
Spare Parts

Of course, there is much more our experts can help you with if you need it. You only have to contact us and you will get help with just your needs.